One final option I’ll add is to use it on a second computer as a standalone instrument with audio and MIDI cables to connect to the DAW computer. In addition to the crappy sound I linked to, all day it has been inserting little cracks and pops into what I record, maybe once every 45 seconds or so.require these drivers as the Signature MTK USB audio interface uses Apple. This is no longer supported (past version 0.6) and currently the best way to use VCV Rack with a DAW is with the VST version and Pro license. For PCs, Soundcraft multichannel USB ASIO/WDM drivers are required (available. I used the excellent and very useful VB-Audio Virtual Cable (software. Even if it did work, the virtual audio cable software bundled with Breakaway probably has a large and unfixable amount of latency. If you used VCV Rack a long time ago, you may remember there was another way to integrate with REAPER: the VCV Bridge. Reaper also needs to be using the appropriate ASIO driver and sees the various. So i conclued with 2 solutions : I chose WaveOut as the audio system and take the 2i4 as input and the virtual cable as output in reaper, Virtual cable as input and 2i4 as output in Discord.

VB-AUDIO Voicemeeter Non Contractual document page 3 Document. 02:09 – Basic sequencing and syncing VCV from ReaperĠ5:49 – Advanced sequencing VCV from Reaperġ8:12 – Sending Midi out from VCV to ReaperĢ5:33 – Processing audio from Reaper in VCV 1, WIN10 32/64 bits (MME, DX, WDM/WASAPI, KS, ASIO).